Thursday, August 29, 2013

Man, getting old sucks!

Everything is getting stiff, well, almost everything ;-)

Work has been a real Bi*** the last few days.  Tight deadlines and lots of problems.
At least I am having no problem sleeping at night!!

And then, to top it off, a "step" relative wants us to co-sign a lease for a new truck!!??  wt*

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ever since I saw the "grilled asparagus" one FFF, and tried it to great success, my "Awesome Lady" has used her charms to entice me to cook them again.

This was my last attempt. Last weekend.

The usual "cheap cut" steaks, and the asparagus.  I think that it may be the last of the season.  We will probably not be having the opportunity to enjoy this dinner again, at least this year!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mom's friend, Marion, has been moved into the "High Acuity Unit" at the Abbotsford Hospital.  Unfortunately, she does not look very good.  She is 89 years old, diabetic, almost blind, and, was still living on her own!!  It has added a lot of stress to Mom's life.

And, I still have not blown up the tubes, or, assembled the frame for my "new to me" Scadden Skykomish!!

At the rate I am going, summer will be past before the darn thing gets wet!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Dad is still in the Hospital.

Another of their friends went in today.  Mom had to call the ambulance for her.  She seems stable, but, the Doctor's say that she is very ill. 

Never rains, but pours.

And, I have had the Scadden for over a week and I haven't even blown the tubes up.
The frame is still in pieces!!

And, the summer is beginning to wind down.  Crap!!!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New (to me) 'toon

Well, I just rec'd my first personal pontoon watercraft.  I guess that I will have to think up a nickname for it now.

It is a Skykomish Sunrise from Northfork Outfitters.  Scadden design, I assume.  I bought it used from a guy on Vancouver Island, sight unseen.  I had an acquaintance take a look and it seems as good as new.  I doubt that it has been used more than a dozen times.

Nice blue 'toons, powder coated frame, swivel seat, standing platform and leaning bar, motor mount.

I think that I will add a pedestal to the seat.  Just a short one, 8"??

Also, will rig up some kind of netting under the seat, to act as a backstop for my clumsy fingers.  After all, I don't want to get accused of littering the lake bed with my nippers, or forceps!

Plus, I need to figure out how it all goes together!  Just wish that I could find a "youtube" on it.