Friday, July 3, 2015

Well it has been over a year since Dad passed away.

Took Mom out to the Cemetery to say "hello".  Left a branch off of a rose (one that had been given to them on their fiftieth anniversary), one of his favourite hard candies, and a couple of flies.

Was a beautiful day, had lunch at the Chilliwack airport, overall a nice drive and a nice outing for Mom, "Awesome Lady", and I.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Don't know why, but, just working away in the shop this morning and my Dad popped into my head.
A bunch of old memories, times we spent together, times we got along, times we didn't.

He has been gone less than a year.  I still get saddened when I think of him.  So many opportunities that were missed.  Mostly all my own fault.

He was a great guy.  Not much education, just common sense and the desire to try and improve.

Definitely one of the "Heroes of the Country"