Sunday, October 27, 2013

Very nice weekend.

Two straight days off.  Lots to do and I didn't do a bit of it.

12 straight days of 10 hour days (minimum).  Why the heck is a guy my age working like that??

You would think that there would be some young guys just screaming to get into some of that overtime.

Still, with the way things are now, can't complain.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

While enjoying a quick weekend in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to visit a "Bass Pro" shop, for the first time.

Wow!!  Sure outpaces anything that I have seen back home in BC.

Three fish tanks, two sturgeon, ducks, salmon, catfish, carp, bass, and others. 
Tons of equipment on display.  Lots of rods, reels, lures, clothing, cooking supplies, camping gear, hunting accessories, etc.  Fantastic boats, most of them completely loaded with accessories!  Motors, trolling motors, rod holders, coolers, finders, sounders, speedos, gauges, anchor equipment, trailers, winches, the entire thing. 

Even a very creditable "fly" department!!

Man, the amount of money in inventory must be huge.

What impressed me the most, though, was the number of staff on the floor.  There was staff everywhere!!

Anyway, the trip is going well.  "Comped" room and shows, transportation, etc.  Great weather.  Good food.
"Awesome Lady" is enjoying herself, and visiting lots.

Sorry, no pics.  After all, "what happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas"