Friday, March 30, 2012

Well, end of another week.  Not much happening, made it through OK. 

Please excuse my total lack of imagination.  It takes a lot of energy and thought to be totally shallow!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Well, that finishes the first round of the "basic fly tying" course that I did.  I think it went great, mind you, that is merely my own personal opinion.  I think that everyone enjoyed themselves, and, hopefully picked up some good information. 

I am thinking that I will approach the Executive about having a monthly "drop-in", perhaps on a Saturday morning?
Well, kind of prepared for my last session of teaching "basic fly tying" at the local "Rod and Gun".  It's a club, not a pub, so we are semi-serious about it!!

Really been a great experience for me, very interesting to watch people when they are trying something new for the first time.

I will post a couple of pictures later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My second "tying" video.

Hey, you gotta start somewhere!!!  Think of it this way.  There are lots of videos showing the correct way, but, how many guys are confident enough to show their mistakes!

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Just a couple of pictures that I like.

First "tying" video

My first "tying" video.  Don't even bother to ask what "other kinds" of videos I have made!!

Just a basic "pheasant tail nymph".  Like so many of my "ties" just made up from what was "on the bench"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Well, just finished instructing the second session of "basic fly tying" at the local Rod and Gun Club.

Seems to be well received and looks like everyone is enjoying themselves.  Seems to be quite a lively group, lots of laughter and chatter.